ASIAIR is an intelligent wireless controller that includes the device and app. You can control all ASI USB 3.0 and Mini-series cameras, selected DSLRs/MILCs, and popular equatorial mounts. Also, you can handle more gears, such as EFW and EAF from ZWO. Just connect your phone or pad to ASIAIR WiFi and explore the universe.
ASIAIR memiliki SkyAtlas bawaan. It can handle almost all DSO and Planetary imaging tasks. Seperti pratinjau, penyelesaian pelat, fokus otomatis, penyelarasan kutub, pemandu, rencana (multi-target, mosaik), perekaman video, penumpukan langsung, penumpukan pasca, dll. Anda bahkan dapat berbagi dan mengobrol dengan sahabat Astro global.